Tools from Our Members To Plan and Thrive

These gifts are from our amazing members, helping you to plan and prepare.

Enjoy these complementary items and put them to use to flourish as you plan, implement, and reflect.

Jon Keel's
Annual and On-going Planning Process

Jon Keel shared his impactful planning process that he leverages for his annual and on-going planning.

Click to Watch

Michele Molitor'sĀ 
Living with Intention

Listen to an impactful meditation and follow easy stepsĀ creating your year one intentional step at a timeā€¦

Click to Download

Linda Swindling's
Year End Review Document

This powerful document helps you look back on your year and explore where you struggled, where you grew, and where you're finding joy.

Click to Download

Linda Swindling'sĀ 
Negotiating Your Breakthrough Year

This powerful document helps you leverage a structured process to design your year and negotiate a breakthrough.

Click to Download


Bonus Presentation From Our Founder, Paul Kirch

Check out the Action Over Analysis presentation and learn how successful people thrive, by taking massive and immediate action. 100% free, no opt-in. A community gift from BOSS Academy.


Gifts From Our Sponsors

Game Changing Assessments Our Members Love

These free assessments will give you an absolute edge.

Brian Gregory Brings Us The YES! TEST

The YES! TEST teaches you to emotionally connect with your buyers. Take this free assessment to uncover your secret to hearing YES! more often.


Click To Take The YES! TEST

Michelle Lee Myrter Gives Us The Power of B.A.N.K.

This award winning assessment is a secret weapon of communication. Learn how to speak the language of your customers, friends, family, and more.

SPONSOR: Michelle Lee Coaching

Click to Crack Your B.A.N.K. Code

Ā Meet BOSS Academy Sponsors

Special Planning Session with Jon Keel

Enjoy this free gift from member Jon Keel where he shares his powerful process for planning throughout the year and at year end..